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Creating connections with Life Science B2B decision-makers

Life Sciences


Quantori's end-to-end digital solutions harness the power of emerging technologies, cloud engineering, and DevOps to transform life science and healthcare organizations. Quantori makes the right data more meaningful at every stage of research and development, from bench to bedside.


Brand Strategy
Content Strategy
Design Research
Digital Marketing
Front End Development
Project Management
UI & Visual Design
User Journey Design
UX Design

Project outcomes


As an end-to-end digital IT service provider for the life science and healthcare industries, Quantori must engage B2B decision makers online. Many life science organizations lack the tools, talent, and resources dedicated to digital marketing and content development.

A series of content and experience focused design sprints identified key audiences, KPI's, and content goals

Quantori was limited by its digital platform, both in terms of brand expression and content performance, and needed improved search ranking and keyword performance in order to stand out from the competition and engage B2B buyers.


We leveraged design thinking, design research, user experience design, brand strategy, SEO and content strategy, and digital marketing strategy throughout this program.

Redesigned information architecture laid the groundwork for improved content performance

Our work began with a digital maturity assessment to define Quantori’s brand, digital, content, and organizational needs. We conducted a series of design sprints to rapidly excavate existing content and brand assets, and involved the entire leadership and scientific teams in hands-on concept development.

Moodboards guided initial visual studies

Agency 39A teams developed a content strategy that informed the new mission, vision, values, and value proposition content, a digital strategy that defined content, brand identity, user experience, and digital marketing tactics for B2B audiences, and more robust marketing content for B2B decision-makers and buyers. Comprehensive site analytics, performance management, and reporting keep Quantori focused on reaching their audience of B2B buyers.


Agency 39A reimagined the Quantori brand, created more effective, keyword-rich digital marketing content, and developed a digital strategy that enables ongoing growth and digital marketing performance and more accurately reflects Quantori’s solution offerings.

Detailed design in dark mode and light mode provides a unique user experience

A retooled content strategy enabled effective digital marketing that targeted B2B life science innovators. The dynamic and extendible design system support the development of new digital and traditional media including web templates, social media, and offline marketing materials.

Leveraging user insights, research, digital marketing strategy, and UX design, we’ve evolved the digital brand to help Quantori achieve its communication and awareness goals.

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