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Enterprise Digital Transformation and Brand Strategy
ElevateBio has assembled industry-leading talent, built world-class facilities, and integrated diverse technology platforms necessary for rapid innovation and commercialization of cell, gene, and regenerative therapies. The company has built an initial technology stack, including gene editing, induced pluripotent stem cells, and protein, viral, and cellular engineering.
At the center of the business model is ElevateBio BaseCamp, a centralized R&D and manufacturing company that offers research and development (R&D), process development (PD), and Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) manufacturing capabilities. ElevateBio's team of scientists, drug developers, and company builders are redefining what it means to be a technology company in the world of drug development, blurring the line between technology and healthcare.
Project outcomes
The pace of progress in biotech is intense and teams of researchers exploring potential therapies can coalesce around a new breakthrough, moving from research teams to fully operational potential therapeutic companies in months. These teams are often ill-equipped for operating successfully in a digital context; talent marketing, digital marketing, brand strategy, and digital application development are must-haves that can slow the pace of growth within these high-potential businesses.
Like many biotech companies, ElevateBio didn’t have the early-stage resources needed to implement effective digital marketing and brand strategies. They needed to effectively translate advanced biotech concepts, R&D accomplishments, and cGMP standards and technical content into a cohesive and engaging story to support their internal growth goals, brand awareness, and market presence.
Our work began with a digital maturity assessment to define the brand, digital, content, and organizational needs of ElevateBio. We conducted a series of design sprints to rapidly excavate existing content and brand assets, involving the entire leadership and scientific teams in hands-on concept development and future-state visioning exercises.
Agency 39A developed a brand strategy that accounted for future growth, mergers, and acquisitions, and a digital strategy that defined content, brand identity, user experience, and digital marketing tactics.
We helped ElevateBio navigate the regulatory hurdles of Biotech advertising on Google and other digital platforms and launched multiple digital marketing platforms, rapidly growing their audience on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
We defined brand and digital strategies, digital marketing platforms, and robust websites for their acquired brands and mergers.
Agency 39A created a brand strategy playbook that included brand and product naming blueprints. We developed, designed, and curated visual and verbal content (technical content, video, image, identity) for BoD presentations, IPO, web & digital marketing, social media, and conference support. We also deployed Biotech Google Ad campaigns clearing regulatory hurdles.
Our work resulted in a 78% increase in LinkedIn followers, establishing ElevateBio’s micro-influencer status, and an 84.7% increase in Twitter followers.
We drove ElevateBio’s LinkedIn engagement rate to 8.3%, exceeding the average LinkedIn Engagement Rate of .05%. Our work increased LinkedIn impressions by 1,030% and LinkedIn followers by 13.6%. Total LinkedIn engagements had an average of 2,615% with engagement rate per impression at 8.8%