Digital readiness:
High: Differentiate your digital capabilities
You are ready to leverage the use of digital tech to achieve differentiation for customer engagement and innovation rather than cost efficiencies—and invest in bolder digital strategies that are more likely to be successful than more incremental ones. You should focus on the development of high-value assets, including AI, data, and software rather than a reliance on off-the-shelf tools combined with a focus on improved integration of tech talent, rather than just getting new talent in the door.
To keep leading, explore further in these key domains:
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Continuous Monitoring & Improvement
Regular security audits, performance monitoring, and user experience analysis can help you identify and address any issues before they become significant problems.
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Data Utilization
If you're not already doing so, consider how you might use the data you collect to drive decision-making and improve your offerings.
<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin"> <path d="m4.918 4.153-.739-.74-.773.774.739.74.773-.774Zm8.939 30.9h8.057v-1.094h-8.057v1.093Zm0 2.473h7.01v-1.094h-7.01v1.094ZM4.607 17.51H0v1.093h5.655V17.51H4.608ZM29.72 8.88l2.874-2.874.007-.01.38-.38-.773-.774-.74.74-2.874 2.873-.006.009-.38.38.773.773.74-.738ZM5.226 6.005v.002l2.87 2.87.738.741.37-.369.02-.016.016-.02.366-.367-.37-.37-.014-.017-2.877-2.877-.739-.74-.773.774.39.39h.003Zm14.23-.898V0h-1.093v5.655h1.093v-.548Zm3.504 29.945h1.045V33.96H22.96v1.093ZM36.815 17.51h-4.607v1.093h5.654V17.51h-1.047ZM18.917 6.685c-6.6 0-11.97 5.37-11.97 11.971 0 5.527 5.792 10.673 6.038 10.89.749.656.841 1.643.846 2.031v.092c0 .046-.002.073-.002.074l.002.025v.619h1.095v-.684c.012-.462-.048-1.953-1.22-2.981-.23-.204-5.665-5.03-5.665-10.067 0-5.998 4.879-10.876 10.876-10.876s10.875 4.878 10.875 10.876c0 3.866-3.26 7.424-5.013 9.336-.277.302-.52.566-.708.787-1.03 1.202-1.193 1.68-1.16 1.961v1.648h1.094v-1.601c.033-.1.069-.197.125-.285.12-.194.348-.514.774-1.011.183-.213.416-.467.682-.76 1.853-2.02 5.302-5.782 5.302-10.074 0-6.6-5.37-11.97-11.971-11.97ZM13.857 40h5.965v-1.094h-5.965V40Zm25.05-22.491v1.093h1.045V17.51h-1.046ZM22.96 40h1.045v-1.094H22.96V40Zm0-2.474h1.045v-1.094H22.96v1.094Z"/> </svg>
Experimentation & Innovation
High digital maturity often provides a solid foundation for experimenting with new technologies and approaches. Consider how you might leverage emerging technologies such as AI or blockchain in your business.
<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin"> <path d="M3.808 6.386H2.739v1.096h1.069V6.386Zm13.397 18.167v-.999l.008-.572c.038-2.26.063-3.754-2.377-4.935-.022-.01-.044-.017-.068-.025l-.478.937a.535.535 0 0 0 .08.049c1.826.883 1.811 1.718 1.775 3.954-.005.328-.011.678-.011 1.056 0 . 11.35v1.068h5.474v-1.068H8.815ZM19.4 0H3.032A3.037 3.037 0 0 0 0 3.032v33.936A3.037 3.037 0 0 0 3.032 40h13.642v-1.068H3.032a1.966 1.966 0 0 1-1.964-1.964V3.032c0-1.082.88-1.964 1.964-1.964H19.4c1.083 0 1.964.882 1.964 1.964v33.936a1.967 1.967 0 0 1-1.964 1.964h-1.63V40h1.63a3.035 3.035 0 0 0 3.032-3.032V3.032A3.035 3.035 0 0 0 19.4 0Zm.296 33.59V3.688a.534.534 0 0 0-.535-.535H3.273a.534.534 0 0 0-.535.535v1.6h1.068V4.224h14.82v28.832H3.806V8.579H2.738v25.01c0 .296.239.535.535.535H19.16a.535.535 0 0 0 .535-.535ZM5.213 26v.539h12.01v-1.068H5.213v.528Zm2.93-3.952v2.505H9.21v-3.038H8.142v.534-.001Zm5.084 0v2.505h1.068v-3.038h-1.068v.534-.001Zm-8.006.932c.005.323.01.666.01 1.038v.535h1.066v-.497c0-.013.003-.025.003-.038 0-.19 0-.373-.003-.55a48.48 48.48 0 0 0-.008-.507c-.038-2.236-.05-3.072 1.774-3.955a.467.467 0 0 0 .08-.05l-.477-.937c-.024.008-.046.014-.068.025-2.439 1.18-2.414 2.673-2.377 4.934v.002ZM8.54 12.23a3.68 3.68 0 0 0-1.087 2.623c0 .99.386 1.922 1.087 2.623a3.687 3.687 0 0 0 2.624 1.088 3.69 3.69 0 0 0 2.624-1.088 3.687 3.687 0 0 0 1.087-2.623 3.68 3.68 0 0 0-1.087-2.623c-1.401-1.403-3.848-1.403-5.248 0Zm4.491 4.492c-.998.998-2.738.998-3.736 0a2.625 2.625 0 0 1-.774-1.87c0-.707.275-1.368.774-1.867.5-.5 1.163-.775 1.869-.775s1.369.275 1.869.775c.498.499.774 1.162.774 1.868a2.63 2.63 0 0 1-.774 1.869h-.002Z"/> </svg>
User Engagement
With the fundamentals in place, you can focus on enhancing user engagement and loyalty, for example, through personalization, improved content promotion, and the development of mobile apps.