valuable insights for improving your digital strategy

Discover opportunities for improving your website, and start your digital transformation with insights, data, and confidence .

ReQuest A digital assessment

what's included in the digital assessment?

Digital transformation can be complex, but choosing the right partner to guide you through the process doesn't have to be. We partner with businesses like yours to develop and implement digital strategies that drive measurable results.

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comprehensive audit

We'll identify current state issues with discoverability and user experience, including SEO-related issues, website performance and technical problems, and website conversion analysis.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"> <path d="m4.918 4.153-.739-.74-.773.774.739.74.773-.774Zm8.939 30.9h8.057v-1.094h-8.057v1.093Zm0 2.473h7.01v-1.094h-7.01v1.094ZM4.607 17.51H0v1.093h5.655V17.51H4.608ZM29.72 8.88l2.874-2.874.007-.01.38-.38-.773-.774-.74.74-2.874 2.873-.006.009-.38.38.773.773.74-.738ZM5.226 6.005v.002l2.87 2.87.738.741.37-.369.02-.016.016-.02.366-.367-.37-.37-.014-.017-2.877-2.877-.739-.74-.773.774.39.39h.003Zm14.23-.898V0h-1.093v5.655h1.093v-.548Zm3.504 29.945h1.045V33.96H22.96v1.093ZM36.815 17.51h-4.607v1.093h5.654V17.51h-1.047ZM18.917 6.685c-6.6 0-11.97 5.37-11.97 11.971 0 5.527 5.792 10.673 6.038 10.89.749.656.841 1.643.846 2.031v.092c0 .046-.002.073-.002.074l.002.025v.619h1.095v-.684c.012-.462-.048-1.953-1.22-2.981-.23-.204-5.665-5.03-5.665-10.067 0-5.998 4.879-10.876 10.876-10.876s10.875 4.878 10.875 10.876c0 3.866-3.26 7.424-5.013 9.336-.277.302-.52.566-.708.787-1.03 1.202-1.193 1.68-1.16 1.961v1.648h1.094v-1.601c.033-.1.069-.197.125-.285.12-.194.348-.514.774-1.011.183-.213.416-.467.682-.76 1.853-2.02 5.302-5.782 5.302-10.074 0-6.6-5.37-11.97-11.971-11.97ZM13.857 40h5.965v-1.094h-5.965V40Zm25.05-22.491v1.093h1.045V17.51h-1.046ZM22.96 40h1.045v-1.094H22.96V40Zm0-2.474h1.045v-1.094H22.96v1.094Z"/> </svg>

tailored solutions

We'll implement specific solutions to resolve the issues we uncover, tailored to your unique needs and objectives.

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reimagined user experience

We'll present a reimagined, high-impact page for your website, incorporating improvements to the UX and SEO strategy based on our findings. We'll walk you through each section of the page, explaining the reasoning and how they improve the user experience.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M22.976 3.051V4.82c0 2.7 2.001 4.896 4.46 4.896h2.193V8.493h-2.192c-1.786 0-3.238-1.648-3.238-3.673V3.05h-1.223ZM6.088 40h1.239v-1.195H6.088V40Zm19.945-22.533h-.63v1.196h1.205v-.44a.549.549 0 0 0 0-.318v-.438h-.575ZM5.585 31.321h21.021v-.439a.549.549 0 0 0 0-.318v-.439H5.587v1.196ZM32.036 7.414 24.646.17a.6.6 0 0 0-.42-.17H3.394A3.398 3.398 0 0 0 0 3.393v33.21A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 3.393 40H4.81v-1.195H3.393a2.202 2.202 0 0 1-2.198-2.2V3.395a2.2 2.2 0 0 1 2.198-2.198h20.59l7.037 6.897v28.511c0 1.214-.988 2.2-2.2 2.2H8.603V40H28.82a3.4 3.4 0 0 0 3.395-3.397V7.84a.597.597 0 0 0-.18-.428l.001.002Zm-26.45 17.59h21.02v-.438a.549.549 0 0 0 0-.318v-.439H5.587v1.196Zm0-7.537v1.196h18.538v-1.196H5.585Z"/> </svg>

relevant case studies

We'll showcase case studies from past clients where we've implemented similar or relevant solutions, giving you a clear picture of the potential results your website can achieve.

digital intelligence in four steps

Here's what you can expect when you schedule a Digital Assessment Meeting:

Step 1

Schedule a Meeting

Once you request an assessment, we'll schedule a 15-minute intake meeting. We'll learn about your objectives and gather basic information about your company. We'll also schedule the subsequent assessment review meeting during this time.

Step 2

The Digital Assessment

Over the next 2 weeks, we'll conduct a thorough evaluation of your website. We'll identify performance issues, provide solutions, and reimagine a key page based on our findings.

Step 3

Assessment Review Meeting

After the assessment is complete, we'll conduct a 45-minute review meeting to discuss the findings with you. We'll walk you through the reimagined experience, explain our decisions, and present relevant case studies.

Step 4

Deliver the Assessment

After the review meeting, we'll deliver the detailed digital assessment to you. You'll have a comprehensive understanding of current-state performance and an initial path toward digital transformation.

Ready to begin?

Meet our team, ask questions, and get the answers you need to move forward and improve your website.

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