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Delivering improved citizen experiences for Texas

Public Sector


In response to the growing technological sophistication of the public and their expectations for digital connections with their government, the State of Texas aimed to enhance digital access to key services, including licensing, tax and revenue, and DMV services. This project, which involved UX design, UI design, Design Research, Service Design, Digital Transformation, Rapid Prototyping, and Project Management methodologies, was undertaken in collaboration with Accenture’s Public Sector industry vertical and key members of the Agency 39A team.


Design Research
Digital Strategy
Digital Transformation
Mobile Application Development
Persona Development
Project Management
Rapid Prototyping
Salesforce Commerce
Service Design
UI & Visual Design
UX Design
User Journey Design

Project outcomes


The primary challenge was to meet the increasing demand for digital access to government services. This required a comprehensive understanding of the user's needs and expectations, and the development of a solution that would not only meet these needs but also be scalable and extensible to a wide range of government services.

Personas shed light on pain points and needs for citizens, managers, and agency personnel


The solution involved conducting interviews, developing personas, creating journey maps, and facilitating design sprints––all centered around the singular focus of delivering prototypes to validate our approaches with actual end users. The process was rooted in UX and UI design principles, and the solutions were developed through rapid prototyping and service design methodologies.

AI Chatbots extended access to benefits and self-service functionality


The research led to the alignment of citizen experience scenarios to solve five commonly requested services that citizens seek. The integrated service journey encapsulated the end-to-end citizen experience when interacting with the MyGov platform, ensuring the maximum use of a platform-as-a-solution (PaaS). The resulting model created a scalable and extensible solution across a wide spectrum of government services, effectively transforming the digital access landscape for the citizens of Texas.

SNAP benefits made more accessible through digital self-service platforms
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